Products » Fortiseptin (new formulation)

Fortiseptin (new formulation)

Hydrosoluble antiseptic bactericidal external use ointment for horses and dogs


Each 100 g contains:

Benzalkonium chloride 0.10 g
Poliethylenglycols and formulation agents qs ad 100 g

Clinical Pharmacology:

Powerful local, chemiotherapic, bactericidal, antiinflammatory antiseptic

Indications and Usage:

Treatment of superficial bacterial infections of wounds, burns, cutaneous ulcers, and eczema. Antiinflammatory in edemas, exertions, traumatisms, tendinitis, bursitis, sores

Dosage and Administration:

Cover the affected area with sufficient ointment twice to three times a day. It can bandaged. Dissolved in water, it can be used as a liquid antiseptic

Duration of treatment:
- Dogs: It must not last more than 14 days
- Horses: It must not last more than 30 days

Counterindications and Warnings:

Prolonged exposure to light and high temperatures can produce darkening of the product though its activity is not altered. Only intended for dogs and horses for sports

Restrictions in Usage:

Not to be used in animals intended for human consumption

How Supplied:

Pots of 250 g , 500 g , 1000 g and 6 Kg

Water-soluble antiseptic and antibacterial ointment for horses and dogs

Fortiseptin  (new formulation)